Dr. Guangyu Zhou is an assistant professor (tenure-track) and an associate department chair in Department of Clinical and Health Psychology of Peking University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Health psychology from Freie Universität Berlin in 2015. His research interests are on biopsychosocial mechanisms of concealable stigmatized identites on health outcomes, health-promoting and health-compromising behaviors, health and active ageing.
List of Publications
Wang X., Zhou Y., Zhou G.* (in press). Enhancing Health Assessments with Large Language Models: A Methodological Approach. Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing. http://doi.org/10.1111/aphw.12602
Wang, X., Li, X., & Zhou, G. *(in press). The power of loving yourself: The role of self-compassion in the relationship between self-stigma and psychological distress in people with hepatitis B. Stigma and Health. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/sah0000534
Zhao, N., Zhou, G.*, Wei, M., & Vogel, D. L. (2024). Investigating the cognitive and affective dynamics of social media addiction: Insights from peer contexts. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 71(5), 430-446.
Liu, X., Lao, C. K., Shi, W., & Zhou, G. *(2024). Stigma and emotional distress in Chinese mental health professionals: Moderating role of cognitive fusion. Stigma and Health, 9(2), 201-211.
Gou, M., Li, L., Wang, X., Yuan, P., Li, S., Wei, Y., & Zhou, G.* (2024). Risk Perception and Maternal Prenatal Depressive Symptoms in the Early Stage of COVID-19 Pandemic in China: Role of Negative Emotions and Family Sense of Coherence. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 28(9), 1631–1640.
Cao, J., Gou, M., Han X., Li, D., Zhou, G.* (2024) Co-parenting, Parental Burnout, Child Internalizing and Externalizing Problems: Moderation by Parental Psychological Flexibility. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33, 2614-2623.
Li, X., Wang, X., Zhou, G.* (2024) Heterogeneity of emotional distress in pregnancy during COVID-19 pandemic: a latent profile analysis. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 42(5), 802-813.
Liu, X., Bao, M., Wang, X., & Zhou, G.* (2024). A longitudinal investigation of mental health outcomes after the Henan floods in China: Examining predictors of resilience trajectories. PsyCh journal, 13(6), 993–1003.
Li, X., Malli, M.*, Cosco, T.*, Zhou G.* (2024) The Relationship Between Self-Compassion and Resilience in the General Population: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JMIR Research Protocol, 13:e60154.
Mi, T.*, Li, X., Zhou, G.*, Qiao, S., Shen, Z., Zhou, Y. (2023) The association between HIV disclosure to family members and quality of life among people living with HIV/AIDS: A potential mediating role of social support. Current Psychology, 42, 5755-5764.
Lao, C.K.#, Li, X.#, Gou, M., Zhao, N., Zhou, G*. (2023) Using the Health Action Process Approach to predict facemask use and hand washing in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in China. Current Psychology, 42, 6484-6493.
刘秋琪, 苏嘉宝, 魏世娟, 喻晓妍, 周广玉*(2023)数字压力量表在中国大学生中的修订及信效度验证. 565net必赢官方网学报, 59(6), 1025-1034.
Gou, M., Li, L, Fu, W., Gong, X., Wei, Y.*, Zhou, G.*, Schwarzer, R. (2022) Prenatal maternal depressive symptoms of Chinese pregnant women and twin newborns’ physical health: The moderating role of infant sex. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 27(8), 1682-1692.
王禹菲,卞雯,周广玉*.(2022)加拿大问题赌博指数中文版的效度和信度. 中国心理卫生杂志, 36(2):165-171.
Wang, Y., Lao, C.K., Wang, Q., Zhou, G.* (2021) The impact of sexual minority stigma on depression: The roles of resilience and family support. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 19, 442-452.
Zhou, G* & Wang, X. (2021) Editorial: Recent Advances of Evidence-Based Neuropsychology. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:740450.
Zhao, N., & Zhou, G.* (2021). COVID-19 stress and addictive social media use (SMU): Mediating role of active use and social media flow. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 635546.
Zhao, N., & Zhou, G.* (2020). Social media use and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Moderator role of disaster stressor and mediator role of negative affect. Applied Psychology: Health and well-being, 12(4), 1019–1038.
Inauen, J.*, & Zhou, G.* (2020). Health and well-being in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from applied psychology. Applied Psychology: Health and well-being, 12(4), 937–945.
Mi, T., Gou, M., Zhou, G.*, Gan, Y., & Schwarzer, R. (2020). Effects of planning and action control on smartphone security behavior. Computers & Security, 101954.
Zhou, G*., Gou, M., Gan, Y.*, & Schwarzer, R. (2020). Risk awareness, self-efficacy, and social support predict secure smartphone usage. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1066.
Fu, W.#, Wilhelm, L. O.#, Wei, Y., Zhou, G.*, & Schwarzer, R. (2020). Emotional intelligence and dyadic satisfaction buffer the negative effect of stress on prenatal anxiety and depressive symptoms in Chinese women who are pregnant with twins. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 33(4), 466–478.
Mi, T., Li, X., Zhou, G.*, Qiao, S., Shen, Z., Zhou, Y. (2020) HIV disclosure to family members and medication adherence: Role of social support and self-efficacy. AIDS and Behavior, 24 (1), 45-54.
Zhou, G.*#, Li, X., Qiao, S., Shen, Z., & Zhou, Y. #(2020) HIV symptom management self-efficacy mediates the relationship of internalized stigma and quality of life among people living with HIV in China. Journal of Health Psychology, 25 (3), 311-321.
Qiao, S., Zhou, G.*, & Li, X. (2018). Disclosure of same-sex behaviors to health-care providers and uptake of HIV testing for men who have sex with men: A systematic review. American Journal of Men's Health, 12 (5), 1197-1214.
Gan, Y.*, Zheng, L., Yu, N., Zhou, G., Miao, M., Lu, Q. (2018) Why do oncologist hide the truth? Disclosure of cancer diagnoses to patients in China: A multisource assessment using mixed methods. Psycho-Oncology, 27 (5), 1457-1463.
Jiang, Y.*, Li, X., Chen, L., Zhou, G., Zhao, J., & Zhao, G. (2018). Peer victimization and diurnal cortisol rhythm among children affected by parental HIV: Mediating effects of emotional regulation and gender differences. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 97, 174-181.
Zhou, G.*#, Li, X., Qiao, S., Shen, Z., & Zhou, Y. #(2018) Influence of side effects on ART adherence among PLWH in China: The moderator role of ART-related knowledge. AIDS and Behavior, 22 (3), 961-970.
Zhou, G.*, Li, X., Qiao, S., Zhou, Y., & Shen, Z. (2017) Psychological and behavioral barriers to ART adherence among PLWH in China: Role of self-efficacy. AIDS Care, 29 (12), 1533-1537.
Zhou, G., Gan, Y.*, Knoll, N., Hamilton, K., & Schwarzer, R. (2017) The role of social support and self-efficacy for planning fruit and vegetable intake. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49 (2), 100-106.
Miao, M., Gan, Y.*, Gan, T., Zhou, G. (2017). Carry-over effect between diet and physical activity: the bottom-up and top-down hypotheses of hierarchical self-efficacy. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(3), 266-274.
Zhou, G.*, Wang, D., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2016). Planning mediates between self-efficacy and physical activity among motivated young adults. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 13, 87-93.
Zhou, G., Gan, Y.*, Ke, Q., Knoll, N., Lonsdale, C., & Schwarzer, R. (2016). Avoiding exposure to air pollution by using filtering facemask respirators: An application of the health action process approach. Health Psychology, 35(2), 141-147.
Zhou, G.*, Sun, C., Knoll, N., Hamilton, K., & Schwarzer, R. (2015). Self-efficacy, planning, and action control in an oral self-care intervention. Health Education Research, 30(4), 671-681.
Zhou, G.*, Zhang, L., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2015). Facilitating sunscreen use among Chinese young adults: Less-motivated persons benefit from a planning intervention. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 22(4), 443-451.
Zhou, G., Gan, Y.*, Miao, M., Hamilton, K., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2015). The role of action control and action planning on fruit and vegetable consumption. Appetite, 91, 64-68.
Zhou, G.*, Jiang, T., Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2015). Improving hand hygiene behaviour among adolescents by a planning intervention. Psychology Health & Medicine, 20(7), 824-831.
Gan,Y.*, Wang, Y., Meng, R., Wen, M. , Zhou, G., Lu, Y. Miao M. (2015). Time discounting mechanisms of future-oriented coping: evidence from delay discounting and task prioritization paradigms. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 28 (5), 529-541.
Zhou, G., Gan, Y.*, Knoll, N., & Schwarzer, R. (2013). Proactive coping moderates the dietary intention–planning–behavior path. Appetite, 70, 127-133.