Speaker: 郑晨光,天津大学教授

Time: 2023年3月22日14点

Venue: 565net必赢官方网吕志和楼315会议室

Abstract: Spatiotemporal trajectories are coded by ‘‘theta sequences,’’ ordered series of hippocampal place cell spikes that reflect the order of behavioral experiences. Theta sequences are thought to be organized by co-occurring gamma rhythms. We found that slow gamma-associated theta sequences activated on a compressed timescale and represented relatively long paths extending ahead of the current location. Fast gamma-associated theta sequences more closely followed an animal’s actual location in real time. We further investigated whether such coordination of hippocampal place cell sequences by theta or sharp wave-ripples is disrupted during error trials in a delayed match-to-place task. Less compressed paths were represented on error trials as an incorrect stop location was approached. During rest periods of correct but not error trials, place cell sequences developed a bias to replay representations of paths ending at the correct reward location. These results support the hypothesis that coordination of place cell sequences by theta rhythms and sharp wave-ripples develops as a reward location is learned and may be important for the successful performance of a spatial memory task.

Bio: 郑晨光,2013年毕业于南开大学计算神经生理实验室获博士学位。2013-2018年期间在美国UT Austin学习记忆中心执行主任Laura Colgin课题组从事博士后研究,2018年回国至今任天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院生物医学工程系教授,博士生导师,天津市脑科学与神经工程重点实验室常务副主任。被中国工程院授予“中国工程前沿杰出青年学者”称号,入选天津市高层次人才计划、天津市创新人才推进计划青年科技优秀人才。科研工作聚焦于解码大脑神经网络中复杂的放电活动,以揭示多种认知行为的重要神经机制。主持多项国家级、科技部及天津市级科研项目,在Neuron、Nature Communications等期刊发表论文30篇,参与撰写神经科学类书籍2部。 个人主页:http://jyxy.tju.edu.cn/cn/szdw/20181027/1731.shtml

Host: 吴思
